The Enemy of Losing Weight

Hot Pot

Hot pot broth

Could you pass me that spoon?
Sure, what do you need it for?
To take a sip of this broth. sip一小口n.小口抿v.,broth/brɒθ/(加入蔬菜的)肉汤,鱼汤
It looks super spicy.
Yes, it’s mouth-numbing spicy. Next time we should order the hot pot with two types of broth. numb/nʌm/使麻木vt.;麻木的adj.,numbing and spicy麻辣味的
You mean for one side we have spicy base, and for the other side, we have non-spicy base?
Yeah, but today I guess you can make it out alive. 我猜你是可以受得了的吧!
I’ll give it a try.
Okay, let’s wait for this to boil.

Hot pot items

I’m going to get some classic stuff to** go with** hot pot.
Like sliced potato?
No, I’m a meat lover. Sliced beef and slice mutton would be my favorite. mutton/‘mʌt(ə)n/羊肉
Meat slices are easy to cook.
That’s for sure. Let’s save the vegetables for the end. 把蔬菜留到最后吃。
Nice. My mouth is watering.
Yes, but now let’s get some dipping sauce. dip/dɪp/蘸,浸,下降v.n.,dipping sauce蘸酱

Healthy food

Bread, pasta, potatoes are examples of carbs. carbs = carbohydrate碳水化合物
Sodium is another way to say salt. sodium/‘səʊdɪəm/钠
Greens is a way to say salad or lettuce or green vegetables. salad/‘sæləd/,lettuce/‘letɪs/生菜
Protein comes from meat. protein/‘prəʊtiːn/
Salad is roughage. roughage/‘rʌfɪdʒ/粗粮,纤维食品
The low-carb diet. 低碳水化合物食谱


Diets are really hot topics.
You can gain weight. You can lose weight.
I put all my weight back on again.
To fast is to only drink liquid.
A detox diet. 清肠菜谱,detox/‘diːtɒks/排毒,用以解读的adj.v.


I dropped a scoop of ice cream into the cola to make a “float”. 使其成为雪顶可乐,scoop/skuːp/勺,舀取v.n.
Soft serve machine needs to be cleaned thoroughly and regularly. soft serve软冰淇淋,thoroughly/ˈθʌrəli/彻底地,完全地
I like sorbet because it’s not fattening like ice cream. sorbet /‘sɔːbeɪ; -bɪt/雪葩, fatten/‘fæt(ə)n/养肥,使肥沃,使充实
The frozen yogurt place lets you blend different flavors. blend/blend/混合,混合物v.n.,frozen yogurt冻酸奶
This burger place has very famous milkshakes. Let’s try some. milkshake/‘mɪlkʃeɪk/奶昔
Grab a spoon, I’ve just made a mousse. grab/græb/攫取,霸占,夺取v.n.,mousse/muːs/
Share a sundae with your friends. sundae/‘sʌndeɪ; -dɪ/圣代冰淇淋
After the meal let’s get fudge and sundaes. fudge/fʌdʒ/软糖,捏造,欺骗n.v.

American Cuisine

French toast

Do you know what I’m craving? crave/kreɪv/渴望v.
Nope. What?
French toast. 法式吐司
Yum. Yeah, I’d love French toast too. It’s easy to make. yum/jʌm/[informal]表示味道或气味非常好
Really? Could we make it now?
What do you do next?
Mix the egg with a splash of milk and a bit of salt and pepper. Fry the butter in a flat pan.
splash溅湿,溅开,污点v.n.,a splash of一块,一点,一片
That sounds easy. What’s next?
Coat both sides of the bread in the egg mixture and fry both sides. coat外套n.;覆盖vt.
Do you have syrup? syrup/‘sɪrəp/糖浆
Yep, but I like mine with powdered sugar and fruit.
Sounds delicious. Ok! Let’s go make French toast.

Mashed potatoes

This dinner was delicious. Thanks for** having me over. 谢谢你邀请我。
My pleasure. 不客气。
What did you add to these mashed potatoes? mashed potatoes土豆泥
You aren’t asking me for my super secret family recipe, are you? 你不会是想打听超级秘密的家庭配方吧?
Yes ma’am, I am. madam/‘mædəm/女士
Well, because I trust you, I’ll tell you.
At first, you do everything normally. Boil the potatoes in salted water until they are soft.
That’s what my mom does.
them. Add milk, salt, pepper and mash them until they’re soft. drain/dreɪn/排水,流干,喝光,耗尽v.n.
What’s so special?
Then I add a little butter, a lot of crushed garlic, and a packet of Ranch seasoning. 一包牧场风味的调料。crush压碎,粉碎v.n.,ranch大农场n.;经营牧场v.,seasoning调味品,佐料
Is that it? 这就够了吗?
Sometimes I’ll add a dash of chili pepper. But you want to know the real secret ingredient? chili/chilies复数
What? dash/dæʃ/破折号,冲撞n.v.,a dash of少许,一点儿,chili/‘tʃɪlɪ/红辣椒
Love. You can’t have good mashed potatoes without stirring in a lot of love. stir/stɜː/搅拌,传播,走动v.n.

Chicken noodle soup

Joel, do you like to cook?
I actually love it. My mom taught me how to bake and my dad taught me how to grill. grill/grɪl/烤,烧烤,烧烤架v.n.
That’s really sweet. What do you like to cook?
My favourite thing to make is a chicken noodle soup.
Is it easy to make?
Yeah! Just saute celery, some chopped carrots, add chicken broth, chicken breast, and a dash of salt and pepper. saute[美]/soʊˈteɪ/炒vt.;炒的adj.,celery芹菜
And then what?
When it boils, add noodles. After ten minutes, it’s done!
That sounds delicious. I love soups. Yum, French onion, butternut squash, and chili. butternut squash胡桃南瓜
But nothing beats tomato soup and grilled cheese, really?
You can say that again. That’s been my favourite since kindergarten.

Candy canes

Merry Christmas Xiao Ming!
Merry Christmas Joel. What are you eating?
A candy cane. Do you want some?
Sure. What is it?
It’s a red and white peppermint stick. It’s an American tradition to eat candy canes at Christmas time. peppermint/‘pepəmɪnt/薄荷,薄荷糖
Oh yeah, I had heard about that.
In my family, we use them as ornaments on our Christmas tree and eat them when we’re opening presents. ornament /‘ɔːnəm(ə)nt/[建筑]装饰,修饰n.v.
Wow. It’s sweet!
Yeah, that’s pure, delicious sugar you’re eating. I like to stir mine in hot chocolate.
That’s a great idea. I’m going to find a mug.


bruschetta /bru’skɛtə/意式烤面包片
What are you making for the party tonight, Gabi?
I think I’m going to try to make bruschetta.
What’s bruschetta?
Really? You don’t know what it is? It’s better than pizza.
Well, tell me and then I’ll know.
Bruschetta is slices of toasted bread smothered with small pieces of tomatoes and onions, drizzled with olive oil. smother/‘smʌðə/窒息,被抑制,闷死v.n.,drizzle/‘drɪz(ə)l/下毛毛雨,细雨v.n.,olive/‘ɒlɪv/橄榄 橄榄树n.;橄榄色的,橄榄的adj.
Sounds healthier than pizza.
That’s why it’s better. It’s a great party appetizer although it’s a bit messy. What are you bringing Joel? appetizer/‘æpɪtaɪzə/开胃菜,开胃食品
If you’re bringing bruschetta, I’m bringing napkins.

Dipping sauce

Hey Gabi, I thought you were bringing bruschetta to the party tonight?
I was, but Jen told me Bob’s friend Michael is allergic to tomatoes. allergic/ə’lɜːdʒɪk/adj.对…过敏,对…极度讨厌
What are you gonna do?
Well, I have all this baguette already sliced. I think I’m just going to make a simple dipping sauce. baguette/bæ’get/法国棍子面包
How are you going to do that?
I’m going to combine equal amounts of olive oil and vinegar on a plate and then add Italian seasoning. vinegar/‘vɪnɪgə/醋
I don’t think we have any Italian seasoning here.
Then I will just add salt and black pepper. It’ll still be elegant and my appetizer will be salvaged. salvage/‘sælvɪdʒ/打捞,抢救,海上救助vt.n.
I think it still sounds tasty.
It is, but then you’ll eat anything!

Homemade popcorn

Do you want to come over for a movie tonight?
Maybe. Are you watching chick-flick again? chick小鸡,少妇n.;胆小的,懦弱的adj.,flick轻弹,忽然摇动,轻轻拂去v.n.,chick-flick针对女性观众的电影,爱情片
Of course. Only cheesiest boy-meets-girl movie for you Joel. I know how sensitive you are Joel so I’ll bring extra tissues. cheesy/‘tʃiːzɪ/adj.干奶酪的,下等的,虚伪的,俗气的
There is no way I’m going.
I’ll make my homemade popcorn…
Wait. Really? Keep talking.
I’ll even teach you how to make it so you don’t have to keep getting roped into girls’ night. 你就不用老是被迫跟女孩子们在一起了。get roped into拉拢
Haha! That’ll be great!
Just coat the bottom of a pan with oil, add a layer of kernels and salt, cover it with a lid, and keep shaking it over the burner. kernel/‘kɜːn(ə)l/n.核心,要点,精髓,谷粒,麦粒,lid/lɪd/盖子,眼睑,限制vt.n.,burner/‘bɜːnə/燃烧器,火炉
You make it look so easy though. I get scared of burning it. 我怕把锅烧了。
If you can count for three seconds in between pops, it’s done. You have to listen carefully though.
OK. I’d like to learn. What movie are we watching again?
Star Wars.
What? I thought you were watching a chick-flick?
I was just kidding. We’re going old school tonight. 我今晚打算怀旧。

Fourth of July picnic

Jun, um, what are you doing?
I’m packing a picnic.
I can see that. What do you have in this basket? Potato salad with mayonnaise, cold chicken wings, potato chips. mayonnaise/meɪə’neɪz/蛋黄酱,沙拉酱
Yep,I also have chocolate chip cookies, dill pickles, a liter of soda and six-pack of Miller Lite. 一升苏打和六瓶装的米勒淡啤酒。dill/dɪl/莳萝,pickle/‘pɪk(ə)l/泡菜,腌制n.vt.
You even have a picnic blanket! Jen, why are you going on a picnic?
Because my favourite holiday is the Fourth of July and I wanted to celebrate it in China.
Jen…it’s January…and it’s really cold outside…
I know. But these are my favourite foods and I miss them.
I just decided to celebrate it early. Do you want to join me?
Heck yeah! What can I do?
Help me lay out the picnic blanket in the living room. Then get the candles.
The candles will help light the sparklers later. sparkler/‘spɑːklə/钻石,烟火,才华焕发的人,炯炯有神的眼睛
Girl. You’re crazy. But I love this idea.
Thank, Joel. Happy 4th of July… in January.

Apple crisp

Whatcha doing tonight Gabi?
I’m going to study a little and then make an apple crisp.
Really? What’s the occasion? 今天是什么特殊日子吗?
No special reason. I’m just in a mood to bake.
Can I keep you company? Or would that be annoying? annoyed,annoying
It’d only be annoying if you get in my way. Otherwise, I’d love the company.
Give me a job. 给我分配任务吧。
You can peel four apples, core and slice them, and place them in this pie dish. I’ll make the topping. topping杰出的,一流的adj.;蛋糕上的装饰n.
What’s in the topping?
A stick of butter, oatmeal, brown sugar, walnuts (if I have them), baking soda and a little salt. a stick of一根,oatmeal/‘əʊtmiːl/燕麦粥,燕麦片,walnut/‘wɔːlnʌt/胡桃,核桃
That sounds delicious. Should you heat the butter?
Yes, once the butter is melted it helps everything stick together. It’s an easy, crumbly topping. melt熔化,溶解crumbly/‘krʌmblɪ/adj.脆的,易脆的
Is that it?
Yep, then we put it in the oven for about 40 minutes or until the apples are soft.
Cool. I can’t wait to taste it.

Oatmeal raisin cookies

Gabi, what’s wrong? Why are you so sad?
I really miss my mom. It’s her birthday today.
Oh…what do you usually do for her birthday? I mean, how did you celebrate?
Every morning on her birthday, we’d make oatmeal raisin cookies because she loved them so much.
We can make them now. How about it?
Yeah, I guess so.
Tell me what you need.
Oatmeal, brown and white sugar, eggs, vanilla, flour, um, baking soda, cinnamon and raisins. vanilla/və’nɪlə/香草,香草味的,flour/‘flaʊə/,cinnamon/‘sɪnəmən/肉桂,肉桂色的,浅褐色的
Wow, that was impressive. OK, let’s get started. impressive感人的,令人印象深刻的
So, we need a big bowl so we can mix together the butter and sugars until creamy…
Let me get the bowl.
Then we need to beat the eggs and vanilla…
OK, I added those ingredients.
Next, we need to add the baking soda, cinnamon and salt, oats and raisins.
Then we need to stir them together?
Yes, and finally, drop spoonfuls of dough onto a cookie sheet. Voila! Oatmeal raisin cookies! dough/dəʊ/生面粉

Fast Food

Hamming it up

ham up过火的表演,蹩脚的表演,ham/hæm/表演过火,做作的v.adj.,hum/hʌm/低哼声n.v.
Geez, I’m starving. geez/ɡi:’ez/天哪,我快饿死了
Hi. Starving, I’m thirsty. Nice to meet you.
Oh, boy. We’ve got a comedian in this house tonight. comedian/kə’miːdɪən/喜剧演员
Lighten up. You know it’s a joke. lighten up放松,不要生气
You want to know what the real joke is? The selection of restaurants around here. 餐厅的选择如此之少。
Well, beggars can’t be choosers, so you had better pick a place fast if you’re so hungry.
I’m not really feeling Italian or Chinese right now, so none of these will do. 我现在不怎么想吃意大利菜或中国菜。
What are you feeling, then?
I’m feeling pretty white trash now. 我现在感觉像个穷苦白人(指想吃便宜的)。
Well, good thing this is America then, there are fast food joints everywhere. joint/dʒɒɪnt/连接,关节adj.v.n.

Ordering (Drive-thru)

Hello, welcome to McDonald’s. Can I take your order?
Hi, could you help me a minute to decide?
Sure thing, no problem. Just holler when you’re ready. holler/‘hɒlə/发牢骚,抱怨,叫喊v.n.
Okay, I’m ready. I’d like a number six, no mayonnaise, a side of small fries, and medium vanilla shake.
Will that be it for you?就这些了吗?
Actually, I’d like an apple pie as well.
Okay, that’s a number six, no mayo, small fries, medium vanilla shake, and an apple pie.
Would you like any condiments or napkins? condiment/‘kɒndɪm(ə)nt/调味料,佐料
Ketchup, please. /‘ketʃəp; -ʌp/番茄酱
All right, then. That will be $11.47. Go ahead and pull up to the second drive-through window. 直走然后第二个窗口取食物。pull up拔起,停下来,阻止
Okay, thank you.

Ordering (inside)

Next in line, please. 下一位
Hi, how are you?
I’m fine, sir. Thank you for asking. How may I help you?
Uh, what is included in the Big Mac combo?
All of the combos on the right, combos 1 through 8, include a main item, medium fries, and a medium drink.
Okay, I’ll have a quarter-pounder with cheese combo. 四分之一磅
And what size would you like your combo to be, sir?
Small, please. I’m trying to watch my figure. figure体型,数字,图形n.;计算,描绘,象征v.
Okay, will that be it? The total is $6.73. Will you be paying with cash or card?
Here’s your change, sir. Have a nice day.

Pizza Hut (outside)

Hello, thanks for calling Pizza Hut. How can I help you?
Hello, I’d like to** place an order for delivery. 叫外卖
No problem. What is your street address?
1212 Dorsey Lane. lane/leɪn/小巷,车道,航线
Okay,and your phone number?
All right. So what will you have?
I’ll have a large supreme pizza and an order of breadsticks. 面包条
What kind of **crust
do you want on your pizza? crust/krʌst/地壳,外壳,面包皮n.v.
Pan crust, please. 薄烤的
Okay, would you like to add a two-liter Pepsi product to that? Pepsi/‘pepsi/
No, thanks.
Okay then. Your total will be $18.41, and it’ll be 35 minutes.

Pizza Hut

Hell, welcome to Pizza Hut? How many in your party?
Just the three of us.
Right this way please. Would you prefer a table or a booth? booth货摊,电话亭,雅间****
How about a booth?
No problem. You three just hold tight and a server will be with you in a moment.
Geez, we’ve been waiting for over ten minutes now. Where is this waitress? Excuse me, miss?
Yes, how can I help you?
We’ve been seated for about ten minutes now and I still haven’t been helped.
Oh, I’m terribly sorry, sir. I can take your order right now. Sorry for the wait.
Never mind, we’ve changed our minds. We’re going somewhere else to eat.

Poor service

Excuse me, waitress?
Yes, sir. What can I do for you?
We don’t have any silverware at our table. silverware/‘sɪlvəweə/银餐具
Oh, I’m sorry. I’ll go nab some for you. nab vt.捉住,逮住,抢夺
Excuse me, miss?
Yes, what is it?
Our food is already here, but we still haven’t even gotten our drinks.
All right. I’ll look into it.
What is it this time?
We still don’t have any silverware or drinks!
Okay! I’ll be right back.
Someone’s not getting a tip tonight.

KFC (inside)

Welcome to KFC, home of Colonel’s secret recipe. May I take your order? colonel/‘kɜːn(ə)l/上校
Hi, how much is it to substitute dark meat for breast meat in a large bucket? substitude替换,substitute B for B 把A换成B,bucket桶
Any breast substitutions are one dollar per piece.
Oh, wow! That’s kind of steep. I’ll just have a regular large bucket, then.
Would you like any biscuits or side dishes with that?
No, thanks. This is enough.
Could I interest you in trying our new Double Down sandwich for only $3.99 plus tax?
No, thanks. This is good.
Would you like to upgrade d family combo? It includes two drinks and side dishes of your choice.
I’m a single guy, not a pregnant woman; the bucket is fine by itself.
Okay, your total is $7.89.


Next in line. Welcome to the subway. What would you like?
I’ll have a cold cut combo. 冷盘套餐
What kind of bread?
Uhh, Italian herb. herb香草,药草
Do you want any extra meats or cheeses?
Could I do extra hams and some provolone, please? provolone/,prɒvə’ləʊneɪ; -‘ləʊnɪ/波萝伏洛干酪
Sure thing, would you like it toasted?
Yes, please?
And any vegetables and dressing? dressing调料
Green peppers, red onions, spinach, and some wine vinaigrette, please. spinach/‘spɪnɪdʒ; -ɪtʃ/菠菜,vinaigrette/,vɪnɪ’gret; ,vɪneɪ-/色拉调味汁
Okay, please proceed to the register. proceed/prə’siːd/开始,继续进行

Dollar Menu

How hungry are you?
I’d say I’m somewhere between content and slightly hungry.
Well, for one I’m famished, but I don’t feel like cooking. famished/‘fæmɪʃ/v.挨饿
Go out and get something, then.
But I want you to come with me! I don’t want to go alone.
I guess I could order a dollar menu or something, then.
Yeah, they have plenty on the dollar menu that you could get.
Like what? Jog me memery. jog/dʒɒg/慢跑,轻推,蹒跚行进v.n.
Apple pies, small fries, small drink, small hamburgers, generally small, unsatisfying things.
Sounds good, I guess.

American Fast Food

What is fast food

Want to get lunch with me?
I’m very busy and I don’t have time.
If you don’t have time, why don’t we get some fast food?
What is fast food?
Fast food is a restaurant where they cook and prepare the food quickly.
That sounds convenient when I don’t have time to eat.
It is a great option when a person doesn’t have time to sit down at a restaurant.
Can I have the food to go, or do I need to eat at the restaurant?
At a fast food place, you can eat there or order it to go.
Cool! Let’s get some food now.

Food court

I’m hungry, do you want to get some fast food?
Sure. What kind of fast food are you in the mood for? 你想吃什么样的快餐?be in the mood for有心情去做
I don’t know what I’m in the mood for. I like chicken, hamburger, and tacos. What about you?
I think I want a chicken sandwich.
Now I think I want a hamburger.
How about we get to the food court at the mall. Then we can get whatever we are in the mood for.
Great idea! Now I’m really in the mood for a hamburger, French fries, and a soda.
And I will get a sandwich, a taco, and some ice cream at the food court.

Burger or Taco

taco/‘tækəʊ; ‘tɑːkəʊ/墨西哥煎玉米卷,玉米卷
Want to get some lunch?
Sure! Do you want to get fast food or sit down restaurant?
How about fast food? I was running late this morning, so I am behind on work.
That is the great part of fast food. You can get a good meal quickly!
I agree! Sit down restaurants have a better quality of food, but it takes too long to cook.
And fast food is a lot cheaper. I cannot afford to go to a sit down restaurant too often.
Me either. What kind of food do you want? Tacos or burgers?
How about we have burgers today? Tomorrow we can get tacos.

Chicken House

Welcome to Chicken House, what can I get for you?
Hello! What comes on a classic chicken sandwich?
The classic chicken sandwich comes with a chicken patty, mayonnaise, lettuce, all on a toasted bun. patty/‘pætɪ/肉饼,小馅饼, mayonnaise/meɪə’neɪz/沙拉酱,蛋黄酱
That sounds good. Can I have one classic chicken sandwich?
Will that order be for here or to go?
I need to get back to work. So instead of being for here, I’ll take it to go.
OK. That will be a total of $1.09.
Here is your money.
And here is your to go order. Thank you, and come again!

Pizza delivery

pizza delivery披萨外卖
Dude! Let’s get some pizza. dude/d(j)uːd/男人,小伙子
I don’t like going out. Can we have it delivered?
Of course. Pizza delivery is very convenient.
Good. I like bacon and peppers on my pizza. What about you?
So do I. Let’s also get a second one with sausage and olives. sausage/‘sɒsɪdʒ/香肠,腊肠
Good idea. I am very hungry.
How about we also get some breadsticks?
Breadsticks are my favourite! They are awesome!
I will call the delivery man and order two pizzas and breadsticks.
I cannot wait for the delivery man to arrive! I am so excited for some pizza!

I love pizza

I am very hungry. Do you like to go to Pizza House with me?
Sure. I always like hanging out with you. What kind of pizza do you want?
I really like pepperoni and sausage pizza. What about you?** pepperoni/,pepə’rəʊnɪ/意大利香肠**
I like my pizza with extra cheese. I also like peppers.
That sounds great! Let’s get a pepperoni and sausage pizza with peppers and extra cheese.
Cool! Can we also get mushrooms?
I do not like mushrooms. How about we get some mushrooms on only half of the pizza for you and no mushrooms on my side?
Good idea! You are a smart guy!

Burger King

Burger King汉堡王
Welcome to Burger King! May I take your order?
I want to a bacon double burger. What all comes on that? bacon double burger培根双层汉堡
That burger comes with two pieces of meat, ketchup, mustard, pickles, onions, lettuce, tomato, and bacon. mustard/‘mʌstəd/芥末;深黄色lettuce/‘letɪs/生菜,莴苣
Ok. I will have one of those, but I do not want pickles.
Not a problem. We can make any sandwich the way you like it.
Cool! Could I also have fried onions?
Of course! Would you like to make that a value meal? value meal超值套餐
What all comes in a value meal?
A value meal comes with the burger, French fries, and a drink.
That sounds like a good deal. I will take the bacon double burger value meal. I want to eat the meal here in the restaurant.
Okay. The total is $6.50.
Thank you.

Healthy choices

Want to get some fast food with me?
No! Fast food is not healthy.
Why do you say that?
Fast food is always greasy, and the quality of the food is poor. The food also has a lot of calories. greasy/‘griːsɪ; -zɪ/油腻的,含脂肪多的,谄媚的
That is true, but you can get some healthier choices.
Really? Like what?
Instead of having French fries, you can order a garden salad.
What comes on a garden salad?
A garden salad has fresh lettuce, tomatoes, and salad dressing. dressing n.加工,调味品,穿衣;v.给…穿衣
That sounds like a good, healthy choice. Any other healthy choices?
Yes. You can also order a yogurt cup that has fruit, drink juice or water, or order a cup of fresh soup.
That sounds great! I did not know there were healthier choices at fast food restaurants.

Fast food etiquette

etiquette/‘etɪket; etɪ’ket/礼节,礼仪,规范
Do you like your burger?
It’s so good. I could eat these things all day!
You have ketchup on your nose.
Haha, this burger is so delicious!
You inhaled all your food. You eat so fast! inhale/ɪn’heɪl/vt.吸入,猛吃猛喝; vi.吸气
Well, fast food is so greasy, and grease tastes good. greasy/‘griːsɪ; -zɪ/油腻的,含脂肪多的,谄媚的,grease/griːs/油脂,贿赂n.vt.
Do you want a napkin? I think you need a napkin.
Yeah. If you’re going up to the counter, can you get me a straw? go up to前往
I thought you already had one.
I dropped it on the floor. Now it’s gross! gross/grəʊs/总共的,粗野的,显而易见的adj.vt.n.
Haha, you’re such a slob! slob/slɒb/懒汉,笨蛋

The hazards of fast food

Wow! You’ve put on weight, I see! put on weight体重增加
Yeah. I got hired at a fast food restaurant, I nosh on the food **all the time now. nosh/nɒʃ/吃,吃点心v.;点心,小吃n.
Yikes. That’s a lot of greasy you’re eating, and not a lot of nutrients.
Lay off. I’ll be fine. **lay off解雇,休息,停止工作

I’m just worried about you. I don’t want you to get heart disease later.
I’m young. I’ll worry about that stuff later.
Eat this apple. It’ll give you some vitamins.
I’m not hungry for an apple. Do you have any chips?
Oh no, you’re addicted to fatty food! be addicted to, fatty/‘fætɪ/脂肪的,胖子
Haha, stop it. I’ll get running after work!

Middle East Food

Pita bread

What are you doing?
I’m making pita bread. pita/‘pi:tə/皮塔饼,圆面饼,阿拉伯大饼
That’s cool. Why?
I’m taking a pita bread class. Pita bread is served at nearly every meal in the Middle East.
Making food is a fantastic way of learning about the culture.
That’s what I thought.
And pita’s versatile. It can be used for dips or sandwiches. versatile/‘vɜːsətaɪl/多才多艺的,通用的,万能的,sandwich/‘sæn(d)wɪdʒ; -wɪtʃ/
It’s hard to make without a brick oven though. I hope this turns out alright. brick/brɪk/用砖砌成v.n.,oven/ˈʌvn/灶,炉


This tastes amazing!
Is that manakeesh?
Yeah. It’s like a pizza of the Arabic world. 它就像阿拉伯世界的披萨。
Yeah, well, it’s a round bread sprinkled with cheese, ground meat or herbs. sprinkle撒,少量n.v. ground meat碎肉,肉末
Sounds like it would make a great lunch.
Or even breakfast.
I think I’ll order one with cheese from the street vender over there. vendor/‘vendə; ‘vendɔː/卖主,小贩,供应商


What are you eating?
I’ve heard about that, but never tried it.
Here. Have some.
There’s so much garlic in this dish. dish盘,餐具,一盘食物
Yep. The more garlic, the better, in my opinion.
What’s it made of?
Chickpeas, tahini, garlic and lemon juice. It’s so easy to make. chick pea鹰嘴豆,tahini芝麻酱,中东芝麻酱

Baba Ghanoush

Baba Ghanoush茄子蘸酱
I could write a poem about this dip. poem/‘pəʊɪm/诗,poetry/‘pəʊɪtrɪ/诗情,诗意
Um, what are you eating? Is it hummus?
Similar. Baba Ghanoush. I love it.
How is it different from hummus?
Hummus uses chickpeas; Baba Ghanoush uses eggplant. 鹰嘴豆酱用的是鹰嘴豆,茄子酱用的是茄子。eggplant/‘egplɑːnt/茄子n.;深紫色的adj.
What do you eat it with?
You can have pita bread or vegetables.
I bet it would be great with curry. bet打赌,curry/‘kʌrɪ/咖喱n.vt.


falafel/fə’læf(ə)l; -‘lɑː-/拉法费,沙拉三明治
I’m having a Middle Eastern themed party. Wanna come?
Sure, what are you serving?
I’ll start with falafel, which are fried chickpeas, stuffed in a pita bread. stuff东西,材料n.;塞满,填满v.
That sounds great. Will it be like a sandwich?
Yeah, I could also serve it on a salad or with hummus. 我也可以给它配上沙拉或鹰嘴豆酱。
Did you know that McDonald’s in Egypt has its own version of a falafel sandwich? version/‘vɜːʃ(ə)n/版本,译文
Really? What’s the name?
McFalafel, of course.

Umm Ali

Umm Ali甜面包布丁
What are you going to serve for dessert at your party?
Umm Ali.
I don’t know what that is.
It’s an Egypt bread pudding.
So it’s cooked with milk and cream and bread?
I’m going to put coconut, raisins and almonds in it. coconut椰子,椰子肉,almond/‘ɑːmənd/杏仁,扁桃仁
Sounds deliciously sweet.
It is. I’m going to add a scoop of ice cream, too.


That was an awesome party.
I’ve got the munchies now. 我现在有点饿了。muchies/‘mʌntʃɪz/小点心
I know the perfect thing. Let’s get some shawarma.
Skewered chicken or lamb, garlic, salad wrapped in a warm pita. You’ll love it. skewer/‘skjuːə/竹签,串烧,lamb/læm/羔羊,小羊n.;生小羊v.
Sounds like a little piece of heaven.
It’s like a Middle Eastern taco. taco/‘tækəʊ; ‘tɑːkəʊ/墨西哥玉米卷
I’m going to eat at least two.


bakalava/‘bækləvə; bə’klɑːvə/果仁千层酥,果仁蜜饼
What are you going to bring to the office party?
Isn’t that really hard to make?
A little, but it’s worth it.
How do you make it?
Butter, filo pastry, chopped nuts and honey syrup. filo pastry/‘filo ‘pestri/薄酥饼,薄酥皮,syrup/‘sɪrəp/
My mouth is watering.
It’s from the Ottoman Empire and still one of the world’s most loved dishes.


What are you eating for lunch?
I made tabouleh today.
Are you vegetarian?
You don’t have to be vegetarian to enjoy this combo.
What’s in it?
Bulgur, parsley, mint, onion and tomatoes. bulgur/‘bʊlɡʊə/干小麦,碎小麦,parsley/‘pɑːslɪ/欧芹corainder香菜mint/peppermint薄荷
Can I try some?
Absolutely! Grab a fork.


This salad is one of the Middle East’s greatest contributions to culture.
I’m guessing you’re a fan of fattoush.
Number one fan. What’s not to love?怎么能不喜欢呢?
It is a tangy combination of pita, tomatoes, and cucumbers. tangy/‘tæŋɪ/强烈的,刺激的,咸的,气味扑鼻的,cucumber/‘kjuːkʌmbə/黄瓜,胡瓜
Don’t forget the onion, garlic, lemon, olive oil and mint.
You sound addicted. addict上瘾
But what a great thing to get addicted to. It’s so healthy.
Pass me the bowl. I’ll enjoy your fattoush fan club.


Butternut squash

butternut squash胡桃南瓜汤
What are we learning this week?
I’m all about soups these days. Creamy, lovely, luscious soups. creamy/‘kriːmɪ/奶油色的,奶香的,luscious/‘lʌʃəs/美味的,甘美的
That was a lot of adjectives. If you’re excited, then I’m excited.
If you’ll be a good sport and try each one we make, I think you’ll be amazed at how you think differently about soups. 如果你有雅兴,尝一下我们做的汤,你一定会对汤大有改观。
Okay. What’s first?
Butternut squash soup. We need two tablespoons butter, salt and pepper, one carrot, one piece of celery, two potatoes, cut into cubes. 胡桃南瓜汤 squash/skwɒʃ/镇压,把…压扁v.;壁球,冬南瓜n.,celery/‘selərɪ/芹菜
And squash. 还有冬南瓜。
Yes. One medium squash: peeled, seeded and cubed. Melt butter in a large pot, and cook the onion, celery, carrot, potatoes and squash. melt熔解,熔化v.n.
For how long?
Five minutes. Then pour three cups water and add chicken stock or bouillon. Boil. Then let simmer until vegetables are tender. 五分钟,然后倒入水,加入鸡汤或牛肉高汤,煮沸后,炖至所有蔬菜变绵软。stock股票,库存,进货v.n.,chicken stock鸡汤bouillon/‘bujɑn/牛肉等清汤simmer/‘sɪmə/炖v.n.
Anything else?
If you have a blender, you can blend it smooth. Season with salt and pepper. blender搅拌机,果汁机,混合物n.,season季节,时节n;给…调味,使适应vt.;变得干燥,变成熟vi.


Today we’re learning a Spanish dish named Gazpacho.
Gazpacho? I’ve never heard of it.
It’s popular in Spain and Portugal, especially in summer. It’s a tomato-based, vegetable soup, traditionally served cold. Spain西班牙/Spanish西班牙人,Portugal/ˈpɔːtjʊɡəl/葡萄牙/Portuguess/ˌpɔːtjʊˈɡiːz/葡萄牙人
Well, I’m game. Let’s start! 我试试看,我们开始吧!
It’s easy to make with a blender. We need four large, ripe tomatoes, one onion, one cucumber, a green pepper, two green onions. green onion大葱
Wow! That’s a lot of vegetables.
It’s a really healthy soup. Also add one garlic clove, juice from a lemon, two tablespoons of vinegar, a little sugar, and salt and pepper. garlic clove蒜瓣,clove/kləʊv/丁香,cleave-clove-clove裂开,粘住,坚持vi.;砍开,使分开,打通vt.
We might have to do this in batches. This blender is too small for all of it. in batch分批
No problem. Just blend, then add to a large bowl. It will all mix together.
Do we eat it right away?
You can, but it’s best if you chill it for at least two hours before serving so let’s put in the fridge for nowchill/tʃɪl/冷冻,冷藏n.v.

Chicken noodles

Yum! It smells like chicken in here. My grandma would make chicken noodle soup for me when I had a cold.
That’s actually very smart of her. Research shows that chicken noodle soup is very good for relieving cold symptoms. 感冒症状
Is that what we’re making today?
It is! Let’s get started. In a large stock pot, saute one cup celery and half an onion in butter or oil. stock pot汤锅,stock股份,股票,库存,血统,树干,家畜n.;存货的,常备的,平凡的adj.;进货,常备的,出新芽v.,saute炒vt.;adj.;n.,saute-sauteing,celery芹菜
I know they’re done when I can almost see through them. 当我几乎能看透它们时就可以了吧。
Correct. Now add four cups chopped chicken, one chopped carrot, 12 cups water, and nine bouillon cubes.
Got it. What spices go in here?
Black pepper and a bay leaf are necessary. You can add oregano and parsley if you want. Simmer for 30 minutes. bay leaf月桂树叶,oregano/,ɒrɪ’gɑːnəʊ; ə’regənəʊ/牛至叶,simmer炖v.n.
Then we add the noodles?
Yep, add noodles. Many people prefer thick, egg noodles. Simmer for ten more minutes. thick/θɪk/厚的adj.;密集地adv.;最拥挤部分n.
Just like grandma would make.


Chili is a man’s soup.
Why do you say that?
Look at how much we’ll put in! Cowboys, some of the manliest of men, made it popular in America’s southwest. manly男子气概的,强壮的adj.;雄赳赳的adv.
Well, let’s make a mess of good, old-fashioned chili.
I’m ready, let’s make it even heartier by adding lots of meat, then we’ll add lots of chili. hearty衷心的,丰盛的adj.;朋友们,伙伴们n.
Okay. In a large saucepan over medium-high heat, combine one pound ground beef, one chopped onion, half a chopped bell pepper. saucepan/‘sɔːspən/炖锅,深平底锅,sauce酱油,bell pepper灯笼椒
Great. I’ll saute for about five minutes, or until the beef is browned. 牛肉变成棕色。
After you drain excess fat, add three tablespoons chili powder, one garlic clove, a bay leaf, half a teaspoon cumin, and four chile peppers. 在炒干多余的肥油后。excess/ɪk’ses; ek-; ‘ekses/超过,过量n.;额外的,过量的,附加的adj.,cumin/‘kʌmɪn/小茴香,chile pepper红辣椒
Yep. That will kick up the heat. kick up踢起,引起,激起
Then add four large, chopped tomatoes, tomato sauce and salt and pepper to taste. Bring to a bowl and reduce heat to low.
This will take a while, right?
Yes. Cover and simmer for one and a half hour, stirring occasionally. Stir in one pound black beans and heat through. 一边搅拌一边加入1磅黑豆。

Broccoli and spinach

broccoli and spinach菠菜西兰花汤
As a kid, I used to hate broccoli.
When I was a kid, I hate eating spinach, but I ate it anyway.
Because I thought it would make me like Popeye. Popeye/‘pɔpai/大力水手
That’s funny. Popepy was a great cartoon because it taught kids to eat vegetables. He could do anything after a can of spinach.
Well, let’s make a grown-up version of broccoli and spinach soup.
Let’s do it. Start with sauteing two onions in butter or oil with salt and black pepper in a large pot until they’re soft.
Then add six cups vegetables broth, one bunch chopped broccoli, and one peeled and chopped potato. Simmer until tender. one bunch of一把,bunch群,串n.;打褶v.
Stir in one bunch of chopped spinach until wilted. Transfer the mixture in a blender and puree until smooth. Top with black pepper. wilt/wɪlt/枯萎,衰弱n.v.puree/‘puːrɪ/浓汤,果泥,菜泥n.;煮成浓汤或者酱vt.

Cauliflower and garlic

Yum! I love the smell of garlic. yum太美味了
Me too. And it looks like we’re going to use a lot of it today.
Yes, but be warned: This soup has lots of garlic. warn/wɔːn/n.
Vampires are the ones who should be warned. They are not coming near us today. 他们今天不会来找我们麻烦了。 vampire/‘væmpaɪə/
Nope. So let’s start by slicing three cloves garlic and cooking it in oil in a large pot over medium heat, stirring until golden. three cloves garlic三瓣大蒜
Got it.
Take it out and set it aside on a plate or bowl. To the pot, add one chopped heat cauliflower and five cups chicken broth. chopped head cauliflower去头花菜
Any spices?
You can add thyme but definitely add salt and pepper. Simmer until tender, about 20 minutes. 你可以加百里香,但是一定要加盐和胡椒。thyme/taɪm/百里香
Do we need to blend it?
You can make this soup without blender, but the blender makes it creamy and mixes the flavor. Afterward, top with more garlic. 但是搅拌机可以让味道互相混合,而且使味道更加浓。然后加一些蒜在上面。afterward以后,后来adv.
I’m going to drizzle a little olive oil on mine too.

Curried carrot

My niece is coming over tomorrow and I don’t know what to make. She’s really picky. niece/niːs/侄女,外甥女come over过来,顺便来访,picky/‘pɪkɪ/挑剔的,吹毛求疵的
Can you give her junk food?
No, her mom said I had to give her healthy food.
Let’s make a curried carrot soup. My daughter really likes it.
Okay, let’s give it a shot. give it a shop试试,尝试
Heat oil in a large pot over medium heat. Saute one onion until tender and translucent. Stir in one tablespoon curry powder. translucent/træns’luːs(ə)nt; trɑːns-; -nz-/透明的,半透明的
Translucent means you can see through it, right?
Yes. Add two pounds chopped carrot, and stir until the carrot are coated. Pour in four cups vegetables broth.
How long?
Simmer until the carrots are soft, around 20 minutes. Transfer the carrots and broth to a blender, and puree until smooth.

Asian noodle

Asian noodle亚洲汤面,Asia/ˈeɪʃə/,Asian/ˈeʒən, ˈeʃən/
I’m in the mood for something tangy. tangy/‘tæŋɪ/扑鼻的,刺激的,强烈的,咸的
What do you have in mind?
Let’s make an Asian noodle soup today.
I’ve never heard of it.
The recipe looks delicious. Boil six cups chicken broth, half a sliced jalapeno, and two tablespoons soybeans. jalapeno/ˌhɑːləˈpeɪnjoʊ/墨西哥胡椒,soybean大豆,黄豆
The jalapeno will give it a kick.
Yep. Add a quarter of a cabbage, strips of wonton wrappers, and half a pound peeled shrimp. Simmer until shrimp opaque. strip剥夺,脱衣服vt.n.,strip of剥夺,条带组成,wonton/wɒn’tɒn/馄饨,wonton wrapper馄饨皮,shrimp/ʃrɪmp/n.vt.,opaque/ə(ʊ)’peɪk/不透明的adj.vt.n.
Anything else?
Add one cup snow beans and one tablespoon rice vinegar. snow bean荷兰豆
It looks beautiful, nice and golden.
Good. Finally, top with a half cup of basil leaves. basil/‘bæz(ə)l; -zɪl/罗勒,九层塔


Today we’re going to make tomato soup.
I love tomato soup. My mom used to serve it with gooey, grilled cheese sandwiches. gooey/‘guːɪ/胶粘的,伤感的adj.;蜜糖n.
Yep! Those are very easy to make.
Just spread butter on one side of a slice of bread, place it in a hot pan, add a layer of cheese, and top it with another slice of bread. 就把黄油涂在一片面包的一面
You can make those when the soup is heating.
Cook the onions in oil with half a teaspoon salt in a large pot over the medium heat, stirring occasionally for four to six minutes.
Do we add these tomatoes? I see them boiling in water.
Yep, add six peeled tomatoes, four cups chicken broth, and one teaspoon oregano. Simmer until it begins to thicken. thicken/‘θɪk(ə)n/变厚,变浓,变粗,变复杂v.
I’ll make the sandwiches.
Go for it. I’ll blend and then top with croutons, which are dried bread cubes. crouton/‘kruːtɒn/烤的碎面包块


Do you want to make a soup that tastes like summer?
Of course!
Imagine on a hot summer day, you are scooping watermelon soup out of a watermelon bowl that tastes like honey and mint.
Sounds refreshing. Let’s begin. refresh提神,恢复,使清醒v.,refreshing清醒的
Cut a watermelon in half and scoop out the inside. You’ll need four cups of watermelon chunks. chunk/tʃʌŋk/大块
What next?
Blend watermelon, juice from a lemon, two tablespoons of honey, and one tablespoon of mint until smooth.
And then pour back into the watermelon rind? rind/raɪnd/壳,皮n.;剥皮,剥壳vt.
Yes, you can cut the top to make it pretty. After, put inside the fridge to chill for two hours.
If we froze it, this would make an awesome watermelon slush. watermelon slush西瓜冰沙,slush/slʌʃ/烂泥,污水,胡说八道n.;溅湿,灌砂浆,上润滑油v.
Good idea! Let’s try it!